Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Posted by Lovely | Thursday, October 22, 2009 | 0 comments »

As the heading says, most of the women be fat after pregnancy. This is due to weight gain in pregnancy period. Weight gain in pregnancy is slow and spread over nine months. So, fast weight loss after pregnancy is not possible. You need to be slow and steady in losing your weight after pregnancy.

When to start weight loss exercise after pregnancy :

New month can start doing exercise after 3 to 4 months. If you feel healthy, you can do all kind of weight loss exercise. But avoid fast weight reduction, this leads to some other side affect. Always have a guide by your doctor.

Here are some tips to regain your shape :

Breast-Feeding :

Breastfeeding is a natural and easy way to reduce your extra pounds. One of the reason for your body weight during pregnancy to store more calorie. This will help to breastfeed your baby more than 300 to 500 calorie per day. This is the easy way to lose your extra calories in your body.


Walking is the cost free and best exercise. Early morning walking gives good enegry. Spent atleast half an hour daily for walking, which will reduce the extra weight.

Work At Home :

Working at home, doing daily works is also an exercise. You can easily reduce weight by doing work at home. If you have yoga knowledge, it is better enough. Practice those yoga exercise daily.

Eat Healthy Food :

Avoid eating junk foods, it will increase your body weight. Eat green vegetables and fresh fruits. Driking grape juice is very much improtant, Because grape is a fat burning furit.

At last, understand your body and take a right exercise and good diet. It will always helps you to keep slim and happy for ever.